August 2012

Long-Held Theory On Human Gestation Refuted: Mother’s Metabolism, Not Birth Canal Size, Limits Gestation

August 28, 2012

Web address: Holly Dunsworth. (Image courtesy of University of Rhode Island) ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) — New research by a University of Rhode Island professor suggests that the length of human pregnancy is limited primarily by a mother’s metabolism, not the size of the birth canal. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy […]

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OVERVIEW: Normal Care for Normal Birth ~ principles & practices

August 13, 2012

Today’s post is a PDF that provides both context and content for how and why physiologic care is provided to healthy women with normal pregnancies. It was originally post on the College of Midwives site in 2007. It is divided into 4 distinct sections and includes several excellent graphic originally published in Dr. Joseph De […]

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